A bridge too far

From Starship Troopers RP

"A bridge too far" is a wargame mode based on the localities on Cassandra.

The blue team has to defend a base while the red team attacks. In the middle of the arena, there is a bridge which weilds a big strategical advantage, thus it grants the possessing team a huge bonus income.

Base income is 2 points per second. Controlling the bridge doubles this income, making it 4 points per second for the defenders (blue) and even 5 points per second for the attackers (red)!


Base Bridge (red) Bridge (blue)
120/min 300/min 240/min
600/ 5 minutes 1500/5 minutes 1200 /5 minutes


Machinegun (emplacement) Mortar (emplacement) APC AT Gun IFV Light Tank Heavy Tank TAC
200 300 100 500 400 500 800 1000